Tuesday 17 July 2012

The Meditation Miracle!

The Meditation Miracle!

A young man from jharkhand  comming from a muslim family of an ordinary farmer's background had completed his intermediate from a junior college, when he began suffering from a peculiar health condition. His body would not retain anything, pushing out any food it took in, through loose motions several times throughout the day. He was not suffering from a loss of appetite – he could eat his food without problem, but when he ate the food, it passed straight through his system resulting in the loose motions.

The young man visited several doctors on a number of occasions and was prescribed various medicines, but his condition did not improve. In fact his condition worsened day after day for months on end until a year had passed. And still the condition worsened and he began to pass bloody motions.

By now his condition had greatly weakened him and his weight had gone down to 42kg. In a matter of one year, he was reduced to mere skin and bones. His young mind was worried and he wondered if he would ever again be alright. Would he ever be physically able to resume a normal life?

As his condition continued the young man became depressed – feeling himself a liability to his family by causing them worry and financial difficulties. His depression turned to thoughts of suicide as the months passed by. His thoughts of suicide grew as in his despair he considered himself the cause of the agony in his family and his ill health the reason for their financial crisis. The only way, he thought that he could end this agony and save his family from its financial crisis was to end  his life.

Several of his friends met him and spent time with him, encouraging him not to give up hope, but the young man had come to the point where he was convinced that his body was simply not meant to support him – and his thoughts were more consistently of suicide. It was one of his friends who first told him about a meditation program called YTP – conducted by the Art of Living foundation at Durgapur. Although the place was near his village he postponed attending this program almost 4 times, as he felt a subtle conflict with he being a Muslim and meditation somehow felt was not agreeable to him.

As his condition worsened and his depression persisted, his sleep was affected to the point that even with the strongest sleeping pills the doctors could prescribe to the young man, still he could not sleep. Even the Doctors were at a loss to understand how this could be.

In his  constant worry and depression he lost all hopes and  felt his end was near and he would die in a matter of few  days.  At this time his friend who had told him of the YTP meditation program again visited him, and this time told him a new 15 day program was starting the very next day. With survival as his prime need, the young man put behind him his previous held beliefs on meditation, packed his bag and told his family he was visiting his friend in Durgapur for 15 days.  

But his subtle conflict did not end with the decision to try meditation – it was deeply embedded. Although he tried, his mind would wander to thoughts of ‘whether he was doing the right thing’. ‘Should he attend Sat sang?’ He questioned constantly ‘Why am I here? He thought of running away from the program – but where would he run?  Where would he go suffering from this disease?  And he knew there was nowhere, he had nowhere to go, there was nothing else - no other hope, and so he told himself  "I will stay here and see what happens". So, he stayed and so he tried.

It was the very first Sudarshan Kriya he did in the program that changed everything. He did the meditation and at lthe end of the meditation he slept. For the first time in more than a year he slept deeply and later recalled that the organisers did not wake him – they let him sleep. He dreamed – dreamed that he died and there were people hovering around him. When he slowly awoke, he realised he was not dead but alive and he was right there in the program.

A sense of calmness came over the young man, something he had not experienced in such a very long time and he sat there saying not one word and made the decisions to stay for the full program – that this was his hope. He did stay the full 15 days and then a few more days, and in this time his medical condition had vanished and he had stopped taking medication. That was in fact the last time he took medicine in his life for that condition and he has not looked back from that first day, when he made the decision to stay and set his intent on meditating according to the Kriya program.

The young man’s name is Samsuddin Ansari, and he is now an Art of Living Teacher. While assisting in the conducting of a meditation camp in Cooke town area in Bangalore during June 2012, he stayed in my home and that's how I met him and heard his story.  His conviction in the AOL meditation is based on his own miraculous healing – there is no other explanation for how he was healed.

This was his healing. This conviction has led him to more than 15 villages in Jharkhand tribal areas where he has touched the lives of more than 10,000 people in the last 6 years. He is now planning to tour Pakistan and Bangladesh, teaching Sudarshan Kriya and sharing his knowledge.

I never fail to get goose bumps when I listen to Samsuddin’s story. He thought he had ‘expired’, but now he is ‘inspired’ and not only is he ‘inspired’, but he is ‘inspiring’ thousands of people wherever he goes.  He inspires me even as I write – that I may in turn ‘inspire you’.
I am reminded of two powerful quotes that perhaps sum up Samsuddin Ansari’s life experiences:

"Our lives are the only meaningful expression of what we believe and in Whom we believe and the only real wealth, for any of us, lies in our faith." -Gordon B. Hinckley

"The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning." -Morrie Schwartz

I had read  a title of a book called "from medication to meditation"... This story so aptly shows how!

Thinking about this story my mind was saying that this story could have been the story of a Sam or a Shyam ... but in this case it was Samsuddin.  It could be any label of a name.  The devine Sudarshan  Kriya meditation  and Guruji's grace does not distinguish the seeker! It heals regardless of who you are - or what your name is, and will bring meaning and purpose to your life!

Credits: Edited by Lee Patrick.

Thursday 12 July 2012

Mind & body are your tools - don't let them dictate you!

Mind & body are your tools - don't let them dictate you!

Mind can never be you or your soul ... Therefore DO NOT MIND!  What are mind and body ? They are tools/mechanics. Recognize this simple truth. Otherwise you will be engulfed and entrapped in your body - mind  whirlwind.

The mind and body try to make everything mechanical, taking away the thrill of enthusiasm. 

The function of the mind and body is to make everything automatic so that particular activity can be carried out without much attention.... so that the available  attention and concentration  with a human being can be utilized for other things. 

Why do we get bored with work, which used to be interesting when we started it.  Why do we feel the mediation is not making you as ecstatic as before. Why things done repeatedly become boring? .........  Coz, minds job is to make your activities as automatic as possible to help you use your energy for something higher purpose than what you have already learnt to do.

Therefore doing things which are to be done repeatedly with honor and respect will save you from boredom and keeps your enthusiasm alive.

Respect and honor  will vanish if you as a donor don't keep your enthusiasm of doing as though you are doing it for the fist time. By honoring and respecting others, you are honoring and respecting yourself. 

People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily."

Therefore, constantly be aware that your mind and body are your tools - gifts of god to you, use them to achieve whatever you wish to in life - lest they take control of you and you will be their victim!

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Goodness comes back to those who do good.

What goes around comes around.

This is a story about Churchill of how his father gave education to Alexander  Fleming  the inventor of penicillin. The world runs on the principle of inter dependence.

 His name was Fleming, and he was a poor Scottish farmer. One day, while trying to eke out a living for his family, he heard a cry for help coming from a nearby bog. He dropped his tools and ran to the bog. There, mired to his waist in black muck, was a terrified boy, screaming and struggling to free himself. Farmer Fleming saved the lad from what could have been a slow and terrifying death.

The next day, a fancy carriage pulled up to the Scotsman's sparse surroundings. An elegantly dressed nobleman stepped out and introduced himself as the father of the boy Farmer Fleming had saved.

"I want to repay you," said the nobleman. "You saved my son's life."

"No, I can't accept payment for what I did," the Scottish farmer replied, waving off the offer. At that moment, the farmer's own son came to the door of the family hovel.

"Is that your son?" the nobleman asked.

"Yes," the farmer replied proudly.

"I'll make you a deal. Let me take him and give him a good education. If the lad is anything like his father, he'll grow to a man you can be proud of."

And that he did. In time, Farmer Fleming's son graduated from St. Mary's Hospital Medical School in London, and went on to become known throughout the world as the noted Sir Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of Penicillin. Years afterward, the nobleman's son was stricken with pneumonia. What saved him?? Penicillin.

The name of the nobleman? Lord Randolph Churchill. His son's name? Sir Winston Churchill. b

Someone once said what goes around comes around.

So, whatever good you do will come back to you in your times of need.. That's certain!

What is relevant to this millennium: ?

What is relevant to this millennium:?

From Capitalism to Humanism.

From Competition to Compassion

From Desire to Wonder

From Doubt to Faith

From Logic to Love

From Judgmental to Acceptance.

From Arrogance to Humilit

 From feverishness to bliss

From resistance of Grace to Acceptance of Grace

From Positional power  to Authentic power

From Body&Mind - to Soul . 

From what is perceivable to the senses to the Power of Unknown.

From Analysis to Appreciation.

From Possession to Freedom - [that which you cling will shrink, and If  you cling too much you will break it and if you cling to it that nothing should go out of, then you be dead along with the thing all your inner treasures]

From methodical to creativity

From mechanical to creativity.

From the me, mine & I  to   Ours

From mundane to meditation

From strict discipline to enjoyment.  

From exercising your rights to doing the right thing.

From contemplation to inspiration - rapid thought with noble impulse.

From imposition to self discipline 

From misery To happiness

From the desire for certainly to acceptance of uncertainty.

From  confusion to clarity

From struggle to relaxation /letting go.

From the outside world to  ones inside world.

From outside treasure to ones inside treasures.

The power of graceful acceptance - elevates the giver.

From jealousy to love

From compulsive habits to freedom of choice.

From feverishness to calmness

From the 5 Senses to to beyond senses.

Why the best of the intentions fail?

Why the best of the intentions fail?

For lack of clarity in the purpose.

For lack of vision to achieve the purpose.

For lack of alignment in action and purpose.

For lack of faith in oneself to achieve the purpose.

Deviating from the purpose and losing one's way.

For forgetting the purpose and losing one's way.

From pursuing activities contradictory to the purpose.

For nurturing to gain something from the purpose other than what the purpose is supposed to achieve.

For using the situation to nurture one's own benefit rather than promoting to work for the purpose.

For lack of enough effort to achieve the purpose.

For lack of enough enthusiasm to pursue the purpose.

For the reason of the purpose itself being contrary to the natural laws and rules of nature.

For the reason that people working together are on cross purposes.

For Lack of cohesion among the team members.

For clash of egos on issues extraneous to the purpose 

For simply lack of competence, skill, and capabilities to achieve the purpose.

For lack of resources to achieve the purpose.

For lack of raising the required resources to achieve the purpose.

For lack of vision to foresee obstacles that prevent one to achieve the purpose.

For lack of determination and grit to overcome obstacles that are an impediment to achieve the purpose.

For lack enrolling the right people to achieve the purpose.

For lack of faith in the purpose itself and doubting about the correctness of purpose

For doubts about one another among the team members

For the purpose itself being irrelevant to the present circumstances.

For lack of moral and psychological support, appreciation, encouragement and camaraderie among team members

For unhealthy competition among members to out do one another.

For nurturing some grudge by one member about another and ultimately sabotaging the purpose.

For expecting too much from others.

For lack of co-ordination among the members

I invite you to not only contemplate on the above factors but also to think about your life experiences that could be added to this list and if worked on these factors  sincerely, one can achieve the purpose with ease and satisfactorily. 


Sunday 8 July 2012

The five regrets people shared before they died!!!

The five regrets people shared before they died!!!

A nurse who attended people in a terminal ward who knew for,certain they would die in a matter of a fewdays or weeks shred these regrets before they died...

Make sure you don't have the same regrets before you die....

1. I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

2. I wish I hadn't worked so hard.

3. I wish I'd had the courage to express my feelings.

4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.

5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.

To know more - click the link http://www.inspirationandchai.com/Regrets-of-the-Dying.html